Memes - The emerging attention space for Brands
The media attention is getting fragmented every passing month and brands are on a continuous hunt for new attention spaces on the internet.
In a market full of fake numbers and metrics, Memes turn out to be the next promising attention space for brands as these set of witty images and videos frame a whole new world of the youth’s attention.
Memes have developed to a stage that they form a daily consumption pattern in the lives of people.
We can BET, there won’t be a single instagram profile who has not followed multiple Meme pages But you will find thousands of profiles which don’t follow a single so called Social Media “influencer”.
Meme pages are Love everyone love them.
-Memes are authentic and strike personal chords with its viewers.
-Meme Creation and Amplification can be done within a limited budget.
-You don’t need deep pockets to run a meme campaign.
-People run away from sponsored Ads like its a cockroach.
-People run towards Memes like its nutella.
-Memes are breaking the content clutter and establishing a bond with users.
Memes in advertising is still an untapped market (if we talk about Indian Brands) although it carries a huge potential to generate buzz around any B to C brand.
Don’t believe us ?
Watch how theses brands are creating a connection with the youth through memes:
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